Magic Item Sky Trophy (kasutatud)
Sky Trophy on Magic Item, pärit mängust Skylanders: SuperChargers. Avab mitmeid põnevaid radasid + saab kinni püüda vastaseid ja nende sõidukeid ning nendega mängida. Püüda saab lendamise radadel järgmisi vastaseid:
Cloud Factory: Lord Stratosfear ja masin Storm Striker.
Calamity Canyon: Chef Pepper Jack ja masin Toaster Bomber.
Cluck's Cuckoo Nest: Cap'n Cluck ja masin Sky Scrambler.
The Clock Rock: Wolfgang ja masin Sub Woofer.
In SuperChargers Racing, it unlocks the Wicked Tour, featuring Mirror Races of the five default tracks, as well as multiple modes of Cluck's Cuckoo Nest and The Clock Rock. In this game, only Wolfgang is unlocked in a Villain Race, while the other three Villains are locked behind Star Gates. Additionally, Lord Stratosfear is replaced by Pain-Yatta.
In the Racing Mode of SuperChargers and Imaginators, it unlocks the Mirror and SuperVillain Cups, as well as Boss Pursuit for the Sky Race Tracks. It is also required to unlock Cluck's Cuckoo Nest and The Clock Rock in SuperChargers.
Ühildub järgmiste Skylanders mängudega: SuperChargers ja Imaginators.